Today, AnTuTu benchmark presented the latest smartphone performance rating. It includes devices that were introduced and tested in China during August 2019. The flagship model with two Nubia Z20 displays managed to lead the top spot with 450,040 points. The second position is held by Vivo Iqoo Pro smartphone with support for 5G mobile networks. This device scored 449,826 points.
The third and fourth places were taken by new smartphones from the famous South Korean brand Samsung. It is about the Galaxy Note 10+ 5G and Galaxy Note 10 LTE models. These devices managed to gain 433 667 and 415 680 points respectively. Budget game smartphone Redmi Note 8 Pro takes the seventh position. The novelty from Xiaomi scored 235 110 points. This camera phone is equipped with a central processor MediaTek Helio G90T and equipped with a liquid cooling system.
The basic version of Redmi Note 8 is equipped with a single-chip platform Snapdragon 665 from Qualcomm. This smartphone is rated at 179,892 AnTuTu benchmarks and ranks 8th. As for the 5th and 6th places, they were taken by Pioneer X1 and Meizu 16s Pro smartphones. The rating clearly illustrates that two new products from Redmi are able to compete on equal terms with more expensive devices in performance.
The Xiaomi company initially emphasized that a separate brand is created for the development and production of low-cost, but high-quality products. To this end, the company successfully copes.