Last week, Redmi officially introduced its first mobile phone after its separation. The Redmi Note 7 is a terminal with a dual camera with 48MP main sensor and an impressive sales price, and at the same time, UMIDIGI, another brand from China, is about to release a mobile phone with a camera of 48.0MP: UMIDIGI S3 Pro. It is currently the most popular smartphone as it is a combination of midrange specifications at an entry-level price. Sinceramenre, we still don’t know how it does it, but Xiaomi always manages to deliver premium phones at a low cost. The news that concerns us today is that Xiaomi revealed that Redmi Note 7 will have the night mode of Mi MIX 3 added to it in the next update.
The news was published by Xiaomi through Weibo. At first, a user shared some photos and expressed his joy that his Mi MIX 2S had been updated with Night Mode. Xiaomi used the MIUI account to share this article and added that the company will release Night Mode for Redmi Note 7 in the near future. We have reason to believe that its upgraded version of Redmi Note 7 Pro will do the same.
Night mode was first introduced in the Xiaomi Mi MIX 3. Then the company continued to release new updates to add this feature to the Mi 8 Pro and Mi MIX 2S. This feature is not like any other known night mode, it allows users to take HDR photos at night, which makes them even brighter in low light conditions, even if the levels are quite low.
The principle of operation is simple, the night mode will capture a series of images (eight in total) with different exposures, then some reference points are chosen, all photos are aligned and finally combined into a single image to avoid blurring. The result is a brilliant picture with less noise. The camera can do this by combining 8 different technologies, including HDR, AIS, 4-axis OIS and multiframe noise reduction.