HystouProducts by Hystou

Fat PC takes too much place, and also too much Power Consumption.We want to make life more easy and comfortable, meantime save some money, so HYSTOU was born.
Now in HYSTOU, we bring you new smart PC which is totally silent, and almost takes no place of your desk, saving 90% consumption and maintenance cost.

    • 1: Intel Intel I5-8250U CPU
    • 2: Win 10 operation system
    • 3: Practical multi-media player
    • 4: Supports dual-screen
    • 5: HDMI 1.0 data output
  • 8.0
    • 1: Intel Core i5-8250U
    • 2: Intel®UHD Graphics 620
    • 3: DDR4L 8GB + 256GB SSD
    • 4: Dual-Band WiFi
    • 5: Gigabit LAN
    • 1: Intel I7-8550U
    • 2: Intel UHD Graphics 620
    • 3: WIFI: 802.11 a/b/g/n
    • 4: Hard Drives Capacity 64GB/128GB
    • 5: DVD Support: No
    • 1: Intel Core i3-5005U CPU, Dual Core
    • 2: Intel HD Graphic 5500 GPU
    • 3: 8GB DDR3L RAM
    • 4: 128 / 256GB SSD Storage Capacity
    • 5: Good Heat Dissipation Performance
    • 1: CPU: Intel Celeron J1900
    • 2: GPU: Intel HD Graphics 400
    • 3: WIFI: 802.11 a/b/g/n
    • 4: Bluetooth: Bluetooth4.0
    • 5: DVD Support: No
    • 1: CPU: Intel core i7-8550U
    • 2: GPU: Intel UHD Graphics 620
    • 3: Available RAM: 4GB / 8GB / 16GB
    • 4: SSD support: 128GB / 256GB
    • 5: Support 4K video display
    • 1: Intel Core i3 7100U
    • 2: Intel HD Graphics 620
    • 3: 2.5 inch HDD
    • 4: 2.4G + 5G WiFi
    • 5: 1000Mbps
    • 1: CPU: Intel Celeron J1900
    • 2: GPU: Intel HD Graphic
    • 3: Audio format: DTS,TrueHD
    • 4: Bluetooth: Bluetooth4.0
    • 5: Power Supply: Charge Adapter